National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
People and Vehicles : Firefighter, Policeman, Police cruiser, Ambulance
Vehicles : Fire truck, Ambulance, Police boat
People : Policemen
Towers : Towers on a ridge
Computers : monitor array
AFST Survey Request
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National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC) is a federation of public safety organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.  NPSTC pursues the role of resource and advocate for public safety organizations on matters relating to public safety telecommunications.
In 2012, NPSTC chartered the Assessment of Future Spectrum and Technology (AFST) Working Group to identify public safety communications requirements for the 10‐year period, from 2012 to 2022, and assess the impact on technology and radio spectrum.  Since 2012, Public Safety's increased dependence on data through a variety of networks has revealed the need to create another assessment.
The Assessment of Future Spectrum and Technology (AFST) 2022–2032 has created an updated survey to assess the Operation, Spectrum, and Technology needs for public safety communications for the next ten years.  NPSTC has also secured participation and support from our Associate Member from Canada, The Public Safety Broadband Network Innovation Alliance (PIA) as their telecommunications needs are essentially similar.
NPSTC requests public safety agencies to complete the updated survey to allow stakeholders and policy-makers to forecast the needs of public safety communications over the next ten years. The survey can be accessed at AFST 2022–2032 Survey.
The survey takes about 15 to 30 minutes and should be completed by individuals who have technical and operational expertise in communications.  We hope to get as many responses as possible to give a well-rounded look at the issues impacting public safety for future planning and budgeting.  Please forward this survey to all that will provide insight to these issues being questioned.  Also, please complete the survey within 30 days of this email.
NPSTC would like to thank those communications professionals who participated in the drafting of this survey.  NPSTC would also like to thank our Canadian PIA  partners, especially Ronni Gibson of Peel Regional Police and Tracy Ayoung of Halton Regional Police Services.  They have provided ongoing support to this project and are much appreciated.
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